Fahrlehrer-/in/Praktikum/Driving Instructor

Gesucht: Fahrlehrer/bieten Praktikumsplätze für Praktikant /Driving Instructor

Wenn du ger­ne Eng­lisch sprichst, du neu­gie­rig auf die Welt bist und ger­ne Wis­sen an dei­ne Mit­men­schen wei­ter­gibst. Wenn du Spaß dabei hast die Welt ein wenig siche­rer zu machen in dem du erklärst war­um das was wir machen so wich­tig ist, dann bist du viel­leicht schon ein Fahr­leh­rer oder möch­test einer werden.

Wir bieten Praktikumsplätze für Praktikanten (2x)

Im Moment sind die Berufs­aus­sich­ten her­vor­ra­gend. Ges­tern traf ich einen Kol­le­gen der schon 86 ist. Da fragt man sich natür­lich wie­so „arbei­tet“ der noch.

Der arbei­tet nicht, denn wenn etwas Spaß macht dann arbei­tet man nie wie­der.

Men­schen etwas zu ver­mit­teln ihnen qua­si das „Lau­fen“ mit dem Auto  nahe zu brin­gen, vom Anfang bis zum Füh­rer­schein zu beglei­ten, das hat schon was. Eine mei­ne ers­ten Schü­le­rin schon damals 45 Jah­re lern­te lang­sam wie so ein Auto funk­tio­nier­te. Zuge­ge­ben hat es etwas bei Ihr gedau­ert, umso schö­ner war es für mich als ich sie spä­ter einen gro­ßen Bus fah­ren sah. Sie ver­dient heu­te Ihren Lebens­un­ter­halt damit und ich konn­te dazu beitragen.

Suchst du noch dei­nen Weg so kannst du ein­mal mit­fah­ren und sehen ob das etwas für dich ist.

Lie­be Grü­ße Oscar

Fahrschule sucht Fahrlehrer

Voraussetzungen für die Fahrlehrer-Ausbildung

Fahrlehrer der Klasse BE

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Die Fahr­lehr­erlaub­nis Klas­se BE ist die Grund­aus­bil­dung, die jede/r Fahrlehrer/in zuerst erwer­ben muss und berech­tigt zur theo­re­ti­schen und prak­ti­schen Aus­bil­dung in den Fahr­erlaub­nis­klas­sen B und BE. Die wei­te­ren Fahr­lehr­erlaub­nis­se bau­en auf die­se Grund­aus­bil­dung auf.

Wir kön­nen sofort nach erfolg­rei­cher Aus­bil­dung fes­te Dau­er­ar­beits­plät­ze anbieten.


  • Min­dest­al­ter 21 Jahre
  • Fahr­erlaub­nis Klas­se BE
  • Besitz Fahr­erlaub­nis Klas­se B min. 3 Jahre
  • Abge­schlos­se­ne Berufs­aus­bil­dung oder gleich­wer­ti­ge Vor­bil­dung z.B. Abitur


  • theo­re­ti­sche Ausbildung
  • Hos­pi­ta­ti­on im Theo­rie– u. Pra­xis­un­ter­richt  Wird  hier in der Fahr­schu­le Oscar  als prak­ti­sche Aus­bil­dungs­stät­te mit Job­ga­ran­tie angeboten !
  • Prü­fun­gen
  • Arbeit als Anwärter*in in Ausbildungsfahrschule
  • Theo­re­ti­sche und Prak­ti­sche Lehrprobe


  • 8 Mona­te in der Fahrlehrerausbildungsstätte
  • 4 Mona­te in Aus­bil­dungs­fahr­schu­le  ( Fahr­schu­le Oscar )


  • Fahr­leh­rer in Klas­se BE
  • Voll­zeit­be­schäf­ti­gung als Fahrlehrer*in

Bei ent­spre­chen­den Vor­aus­set­zun­gen För­de­rung bis zu 100% mög­lich.
Wir bera­ten Sie gerne!

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Jobs / Praktikumsplätze

Beco­me a dri­ving ins­truc­tor at the most famous Eng­lish-spea­king dri­ving school in Berlin!

Do you fan­cy a very varied and fle­xi­ble job? You are com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ve, pati­ent, you like to explain things. You are curious about other peo­p­le and cul­tures? You love to speak eng­lish or other languages?

May­be you are alre­a­dy a pro­fes­sio­nal and expe­ri­en­ced and you are loo­king for a new dri­ving school in Ber­lin? Then come and join our fri­end­ly team! We look for­ward to wel­co­ming you and get­ting to know you personally.

We wel­co­me you! – Join us now! Best chan­ces. Good sala­ry. Fle­xi­ble working time . For expe­ri­en­ced dri­ving tea­cher or tho­se who would like to beco­me one with our help.

Join our team in Ber­lin in a per­ma­nent posi­ti­on at Oscar, The Eng­lish Dri­ving School. Ide­al­ly you are alre­a­dy working in that field for class BE (car) and optio­nal­ly for class A (motor­bike).

We also train inte­res­ted can­di­da­tes as “ Fahr­leh­rer­an­wär­ter“ in prac­ti­cal training!

In coope­ra­ti­on with a trai­ning cen­tres in Ber­lin, we show you how to beco­me  one and accom­pa­ny you with our 3 expe­ri­en­ced trai­ning tea­cher after the theo­re­ti­cal trai­ning in prac­ti­ce up to your prac­ti­cal exam.

The theo­re­ti­cal training

During your 8‑month theo­re­ti­cal trai­ning to beco­me a dri­ving ins­truc­tor in the BE cate­go­ry (car), you will be pre­pared by well-trai­ned ins­truc­tors at the trai­ning centre.

The trai­ning is always held in full-day cour­ses. The cour­se con­tent is divi­ded into traf­fic beha­viour, pedago­gy, tech­no­lo­gy, law, envi­ron­men­tal pro­tec­tion and prac­ti­cal driving.

The prac­ti­cal training

The trai­ning always beg­ins with the dri­ving cour­se for class BE. This is the so-cal­led „basic cour­se“ on which ever­y­thing else builds.

After you have pas­sed the pro­fes­sio­nal exami­na­ti­ons, you will recei­ve your tem­po­ra­ry dri­ving instructor’s licence class BE.

Now you can get star­ted. This licence allows you to start the prac­ti­cal dri­ving trai­ning (intern­ship) at our Oscar dri­ving school.

You are now a tem­po­ra­ry ins­truc­tor, becau­se this Inter­ship- licence is limi­t­ed to two years. After a tem­po­ra­ry pre­pa­ra­ti­on (hos­pi­ta­ti­on), you will start to train dri­ving stu­dents inde­pendent­ly, give theo­re­ti­cal les­sons and suc­cessful­ly lead your stu­dents to their dri­ving tests.

The prac­ti­cal trai­ning is com­ple­ted by the tea­ching tests/examination. After pas­sing the examinations/teaching tests, you will recei­ve your per­ma­nent licence for teaching

Why beco­me a dri­ving tea­cher ? Future prospects?

The pro­fes­si­on  is more in demand than ever. Becau­se the­re is an acu­te shorta­ge of com­pe­tent personnel.

The reasons for this are:

  • - Demo­gra­phic chan­ge – more and more tea­cher will reti­re in the next few years.
  • - Many of them work part-time in a part-time job.

The times are per­fect for your ent­ry into the pro­fes­si­on! The care­er oppor­tu­ni­ties are bet­ter than ever and we can gua­ran­tee you a job with us.

The trai­ning is also sub­si­di­sed by the employ­ment office.

In addi­ti­on, the­re are fur­ther finan­cing possibilities

The acti­vi­ties of a tea­cher go far bey­ond the theo­ry and prac­ti­cal les­sons that the stu­dent attends.

Crea­ti­vi­ty, fri­end­li­ne­ss, pedago­gi­cal skills and orga­ni­sa­tio­nal talent are important qua­li­ties that a dri­ving ins­truc­tor should possess.

This is becau­se he orga­ni­s­es the dri­ving les­sons from the time­ta­ble to the rou­te to be dri­ven. He plans the theo­ry les­sons and uses tech­ni­cal inno­va­tions, modern media and models to con­vey the theo­re­ti­cal know­ledge to his stu­dents in the best pos­si­ble way.

In prac­ti­ce, he fami­lia­ri­ses his stu­dents with the vehic­le and trains them in important mano­eu­vres in road traf­fic, such as safe bra­king, par­king, mano­eu­vring with the car or dri­ving on uneven ground with the motorbike.

With his exper­ti­se, he asses­ses the stu­dents‘ lear­ning pro­gress and deci­des whe­ther they are rea­dy for the test. Howe­ver, the cont­act with the stu­dents is par­ti­cu­lar­ly inte­res­t­ing and varied. For they ran­ge from 18-year-old trai­nees to elder­ly ladies. Deal­ing with peo­p­le of all colours requi­res empa­thy and agi­li­ty – espe­ci­al­ly in the head. And that’s the beau­ty, becau­se in hard­ly any other pro­fes­si­on do you have to deal with so many dif­fe­rent peo­p­le. That keeps you young and alive!

In addi­ti­on, you have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to have a las­ting influence on the­se people’s dri­ving beha­viour and thus con­tri­bu­te to safer road traffic.

Part-time work and a respon­si­ble posi­ti­on are easi­ly com­pa­ti­ble as a dri­ving ins­truc­tor – a fac­tor that makes the pro­fes­si­on par­ti­cu­lar­ly fami­ly-fri­end­ly. For tho­se who want respon­si­bi­li­ty and fle­xi­bi­li­ty, the pro­fes­si­on is the per­fect choice. It is per­fect for peo­p­le who, despi­te fle­xi­bi­li­ty and fami­ly-fri­end­li­ne­ss, do not want to give up a respon­si­ble position.

Thanks to tech­ni­cal inno­va­tions, the pro­fes­si­on is con­stant­ly deve­lo­ping and com­bi­nes inte­res­t­ing as well as respon­si­ble are­as of responsibility.

Num­e­rous oppor­tu­ni­ties for fur­ther trai­ning ensu­re that the­re are always new chal­lenges and are­as of responsibility.

  • -Road safe­ty trainer,
  • - Lec­tu­rer for the initi­al and fur­ther trai­ning of pro­fes­sio­nal drivers,
  • - ASF facilitator,
  • - mobi­li­ty or MPU advisor

all the­se are exci­ting fields of acti­vi­ty that you can open up for yours­elf as a tea­cher. Due to the shorta­ge of young talent, the care­er oppor­tu­ni­ties for qua­li­fied peo­p­le are excellent.

Women are espe­ci­al­ly in demand, becau­se only about 10% are fema­le, but among lear­ner dri­vers the figu­re is 50%.

If you have a com­mand of a fre­quent­ly encoun­te­red for­eign lan­guage such as Tur­ki­sh, Rus­si­an, Ara­bic, Spa­nish or Eng­lish, you have the best chan­ces of doing well on the job market.

Mini­mum age 21 – Mental/physical/character apti­tu­de (doctor/VZR)-.

Com­ple­ted voca­tio­nal trai­ning or equi­va­lent pre­vious edu­ca­ti­on (e.g. Ger­man Abitur)- Pre­vious pos­ses­si­on of dri­ving licence class B min. 3 years- Appro­pria­te dri­ving licence for the desi­red licence classes.

The job mar­ket for dri­ving ins­truc­tors is excel­lent. Many can­di­da­tes alre­a­dy have a job befo­re the end of their trai­ning. Num­e­rous addi­tio­nal qua­li­fi­ca­ti­ons offer the best pre­re­qui­si­tes for a broad posi­tio­ning on the market.

The trai­ning class BE (basic cour­se) takes place under the legal frame­work con­di­ti­ons and last 12 months (1 year). It is divi­ded into three phases:

Pha­se 1:

Intro­duc­tion & Ori­en­ta­ti­on (1 month) The intro­duc­tion month ser­ves to get to know the struc­tu­re of the trai­ning and the orga­ni­sa­tio­nal pro­cess of a dri­ving school.

The first and last week take place at trai­ning school.

The second and third weeks of the intro­duc­to­ry month are com­ple­ted at a trai­ning dri­ving school and pro­vi­de initi­al insights into theo­re­ti­cal and prac­ti­cal dri­ving school training.

Pha­se 2:

Theo­re­ti­cal trai­ning and job shadowing (7 months) This pha­se includes the school-based trai­ning at our dri­ving ins­truc­tor trai­ning cent­re. The first part of the test, the prac­ti­cal dri­ving test for class BE, takes place during this trai­ning pha­se. In the 5th month, the trai­ning at the dri­ving ins­truc­tor trai­ning cent­re is inter­rupt­ed for a (one-week) obser­va­ti­on pha­se at the trai­ning dri­ving school. This is to compa­re the theo­re­ti­cal know­ledge acqui­red up to that point with the trai­ning pro­ce­du­res in practice.

Pha­se 3:

Trai­ning intern­ship and reflec­tion (4 months)

In the last trai­ning pha­se, the 4‑month prac­ti­cal trai­ning takes place in the trai­ning dri­ving school (here at the Oscar dri­ving school).

Get in touch

Gree­ting from the team Oscar

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